未成年請勿飲酒🍸 “Underage drinking is prohibited 🍸
🙋🏻 你可能會問,這杯調酒上的老人是誰,我相信我的課程學生一定知道我在講什麼⋯ 嘿嘿
You might be wondering who the old man on this cocktail is. If you‘re in my course, I’m sure you know what I‘m talking about. Hehe.
臺北現在有越來越多餐廳推出這樣有趣的創意臺式調酒 。把臺灣的元素跟新鮮食材(水果、茶)加進調酒中
There are more and more restaurants in Taipei offering these creative Taiwanese-style cocktails. They incorporate Taiwanese elements and fresh ingredients like fruits and tea into the cocktails.