How to Prepare TOCFL 1,000 Vocabulary, Grammar, and Listening All at Once
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In this article, I will give you some tips to ace the TOCFL, as well as introduce you to my TOCFL 1,000 Vocabulary, Grammar, and Listening Guide, a structured, self-paced course that will help you boost your TOCFL score.
1. Study 1,000 Vocabulary with sentence examples plus listen to audio
Connect characters with its sound
Pinyin and Zhuyin are not accurate
Even if you get the tone right of each word, when it comes to a whole sentence or a dialogue, tones of certain characters change slightly in context
It’s best to listen to an audio from a natural, conversation speed NATIVE SPEAKER, not AI voice or slowed down
Preparing like this not only prepares you for the test, but also for real life listening
2. Don't focus too much on grammar
It might be shocking but if you sit down and study grammar one by one, it is not helpful to boosting your TOCFL score
Only when you encounter grammar in a sentence that you don’t understand, you should study grammar individually
In my Vocabulary Guide, I include Band A grammar structures in each sentence example, so it automatically helps you review grammar—review vocabulary and grammar at the same time!
Grammar explanation in my Guide
3. Know the exam format and structure very well
Take mock tests, know what you’re dealing with, and know your level
→ Mock test questions download
When could you say you are about TOCFL Band A1 level?
You are TOCFL Band A1 level when you can:
Carry certain tasks in daily life
Ask for directions, see the doctor, describe a picture, understand an advertisement, buy items at a store, and more
Describe your emotions using adjectives, talk about hobbies such as sports
Understand a statement or conversation
Understand Chinese or Taiwanese culture
Talk about locations
Describe a place by using adjectives
Use measure words
When you are TOCFL Band A1 level, you should:
Know Chinese names
Know words related to sports
Know common useful verbs
Know words related to travel
And more…
Not familiar with all these yet? No worries, you can study with my TOCFL Vocabulary Guide, which includes these must-know grammar and vocabulary!
4. Improve your listening score: 3 steps
盲聽 (listen to it blindly)
First time, listen to it to try to understand the general meaning (you can do it!)
Let it flow, get used to the speed, and don’t focus on each single word (disaster!); get the MAIN idea
Then, for the second time, listen again but with text
Try to figure out the meaning of the text
For the third time, try to see if you can fully understand the phrase without seeing the text! By doing so repeatedly, your listening will improve dramatically
Remember: audio input – natural; speak at normal speed
For a longer dialogue – get the main idea!
If you are listening to a two-person dialogue, you will be asked questions that are specific to what each person said, so make sure you:
Have a general understanding of each speaker’s viewpoint
Identify key words
Stay focused!
Let’s test this strategy with a dialogue example from a mock test, included in my TOCFL Vocabulary Guide:
That’s why in my TOCFL Vocabulary Guide, I include a lot of two person dialogue examples. In the mock test walkthrough in my Guide, I explain the speaker’s viewpoint and teach how to identify key words.
[Miss Lin’s] course is very helpful, I am more confident now. 林老師 taught me where I could focus my attention on during the exam. Now I can identify the words I know then just work out the overall meaning of the texts.
– Shangying, United States
TLDR – The Important Tips Covered So Far
Study 1,000 Vocabulary with sentence examples and listen to the audio
Study them along with sentence examples as reference
Don’t focus too much on grammar. Don’t sit down and study grammar formats and structures one by one
Know the exam format and structure very well
Know what you are dealing with; do mock tests!
For listening: listen to audio twice, first time without text
Get the main idea, don’t focus on each individual word, understand each speaker’s point of view, find keywords
For A2 exam takers: tackle long passages & dialogues
Learn more advanced words and fixed-expressions: watch dramas/movies/podcast/YT videos/NEWS reading (advanced powerful vocabulary)
A Sneak Peek into My 1,000 TOCFL Vocabulary Guide
Chapter 0: Mindset & TOCFL Hacks
Sharing my best tips and tricks with you to prepare for the exam. Specific chapter for A2 exam takers.
I teach you how to identify “keywords” in example problems.
Chapter 1: Step 1 準備級 Preparatory Novice (330 words)
You’ll hear my audio twice. 1st time no text, only audio. The 2nd time, you’ll see the text, and I will speak at normal speed
Chapter 2: Step 2 Band A Level 1 (182 words)
Band A level 1, so you’ll feel the sentences get longer and there are more dialogues!
You’ll also find a lot of repetition. Sensing the repetition is a very good sign that you are starting to get the hang of it!
Chapter 3: Step 3 Band A Level 2 (491 words)
More and more advanced vocabulary and grammar structures are included. Example sentences are longer as well (similar to TOCFL test parts 4/5). But please hang in there, it’s doable!
Chapter 4: Last Chapter—Step by Step Mock Test Walkthrough
Here, I share with you my final best tips. You’ll observe how I crush the exam! You’ll be able to apply test strategies and identify key words during the exam.
感謝林老師! Mostly I was afraid of the listening part. But now I feel more confident and my listening has got much better. I appreciate all your helpful tips and what you do for your students
Student testimonial
How can I test myself?
Use the “Chinese only” file. It can help you improve your reading & reinforce memory.
→ If you wish to prepare 1,000 Vocabulary, listenng and grammar in 3 months, please take a look at my TOCFL 1,000 Vocabulary, Grammar, and Listening Guide .